Walking around by Catalonia Square, at Barcelona downtown, you have stopped in front of this monument. I like it very much! It’s dedicated to the President of the Generalitat de Catalonia (the Catalane Government) called Francesc Macià 1859-1933.
Catalane people loved him; they called him L’AVI, the Grandfather in catalane language. When he died a big procession of citizens assisted to his funeral.
On April 14th 1931 he proclaimed “the Catalane Republic inside the Iberian Federation of Republics”
This is not the unique monument that we have dedicated to him in Barcelona and Catalonia, but I like this one in special, because the sculptor Josep Maria Subirach (the same one who did the sculptures of the dead façade of the Sagrada Familia), designed a stair with the steps upside down. One way to represent the statement of Macia when he said How difficult is every step that a politic has to do in his career.