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Jewish Heritage (3h)
Barcelona had one of the most important Jewish communities in Europe. Its relationship with the city was of great importance to the city’s history, but its relationship with the Christians was always tense. The 1391 events made them begin their exile, and with the Inquisition they disappeared entirely.
While we walk around their old Quarter, called “Call”, we will discover their customs, why they weren’t understood and what happened in 1391. We will see what were once their houses, some of them with the mezuzah mark on the door, the purification baths, the recently discovered Major Synagogue, the biggest of the 5 synagogues that the city had, and the Call Interpretation Centre (a research centre about Jewish heritage in Barcelona).
- If you are interested in the Jewish heritage, maybe you will appreciate to visit Girona city, with the best preserved Jewish heritage in Spain; and Besalú, a town close to Girona where Jewish had an important activity.
MAP OF THE TOUR (click the icon at the upper-left corner to display the sites)